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A Visit From Maebashi Girls' Senior High School, Japan

18th January 2016

Hi everyone! So, dalam post ni, kita akan cerita tentang Japan students yg datang ke SESERI baru baru ni. Program ni secara tak langsung actually involves semua student SESERI. Dengan bantuan dorang yg baik hati tolong set up GAS and DGP, ahli Nirmala Dirgantra yg buat performance, ada Reena (not sure the spelling) as one of the performers, and semua lah! Tapi secara directly, prefects la yg terlibat dgn program ni.

10 am - Arrival of the students
Lepas assembly pagi tu, semua students masuk kelas, and pukul 9.40am, semua prefects diarahkan berkumpul dekat canteen sebab students from Japan tu dah datang. Dalam schedule, they should arrive at 10am, tapi knowing Japan yg sangat precise when it comes to time management, dorang sampai awal daripada yg dijadualkan. Kami sambut kedatangan mereka and setiap sorang student Japan akan dapat a pair of pengawas (2 orng) as their buddies.

Ada beberapa orng prefects yg pakai baju traditional Malaysia utk sambut diorang.

Then, sesi bergambar di Dataran Wacana dgn background KLCC!

Around 11 am - Presentation from Seranta
So time ni, kami pergi ke DGP and Seranta present video yang diorang dah reka, a bit about the background of our school, pencapaian akademik and kokurikulum dan rutin harian pengawas SESERI.

Then, ada ucapan from pengetua SESERI, Puan Asiah and diikuti ucapan from cikgu daripada Japan. Apparently, dia cikgu English and dia sampaikan apa yg disampaikan oleh pengetua sekolah diorang.

Next, students from MGSHS present about what they learn in school. Kami bergerak secara berkumpulan ke 6 stesen yg disediakan student tersebut, and dengar presentation diorang.

At around 12 pm - Biology Class with Miss Liza
Students from MGSHS join kelas Biologi bersama kelas 5 Bakerara di Lab Bio yg dibimbing Miss Liza. Mereka belajar pasal defence mechanism of the body.

Around 1 pm - Getting into Malaysian culture
So, during this time, after the Biology class has finished, the MGSHS students are gathered at the GAS for some time in Malaysia! 

Kat sini, first, Egalitarian ajar these students to play Malaysian traditional games. Ada congkak, egrang batok (tempurung kelapa), batu seremban dan teng teng. We were actually surprised by how fast they learn to play, and they were exceptionally good. They had a lot of fun and laughing!

Next, ada station for Malaysian traditional outfits. Ada baju kurung and baju kebaya. So they tried them out and some pictures were taken using their mobile phones. They looked stunning and some of them even want to take the outfits home!

At around 2 pm - Time for Malaysian Cuisine!
All of us have our lunch at the GAS. Malaysian cuisine was served. Ada nasi hujan panas with ayam masak merah and daging masak kari, acar nenas, buah pisang and kuih tepung pelita served with jus tembikai.

Some of the Japan students were struggling to cope with the spicy food, but they enjoyed the cuisine and said it was scrumptious!

While we were having lunch, Nirmala Dirgantra performed two traditional dances, continued by bollywood dance by a form 1 student, Reena.

Majlis selesai pada jam 3 petang. Sesi bergambar dan pertukaran hadiah dan username twitter dan sebagainya telah dilakukan, dan mereka berangkat pulang ke hotel masing masing. 

So, nak cakap kat sini, SESERI memang full of collaborations.  Nanti akan ada students from Thailand and Indonesia and banyak lagi! Memang duduk di SESERI ibarat merantau ke dunia luar. Akan ada exchange of students and kita pun diberi peluang utk keluar sekolah sekali sekala. Akhir kata, Happy Chinese New Year! :)

Filzah Izlin


Blogger Yours Truly said...

Nice one filzah!! Mana gambar aq? Haha. Jkjk

Blogger Yours Truly said...

Btw ni shahirah naim 😉😉


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